Saturday, March 14, 2009

So You Want to Work at Home?

Do you like the idea of working at home? Think about it. No commuting, no gas expenses, and if you want, you don't even have to get dressed. I myself often work in my pajamas! Now, what if I told you that this dream could be a reality. (Here's the part where most scammers say something like "Now, for only $40, you can find out more on how to get rich working at home.") Don't worry, I'm not planning on taking any of your hard earned money. I just happen to be someone who is happily working at home, and thought that it would be helpful to share my knowledge with anyone else who would like to work at home. First off, let me tell you the reality of this type of job. Yes, you do get to stay at home, but this is both good and bad. Unlike when I was working at an office, where my boss was always making sure I was doing my work, I have to stay on my own case at home. Otherwise, procrastination starts and I don't make any money. Secondly, you will not get rich working at home. (Sorry to burst your bubble.) While I do not make a ton of money working at home, I find that I am able to pay all of my bills, and still have a little bit of cash left over. Finally, most work at home companies pay you by the number of minutes working, not a set pay per hour. This means that some hours you could make $10-15, while others you could make hardly anything. I will explain more in depth in future posts, but basically the more you work, the better your pay usually is when working at home. So, if you are interested on how you can start working at home, just click the subscribe button in the sidebar of my page. This blog has just started, but I plan on making tons of helpful posts so that almost anyone can start working at home. By subscribing you will receive my posts as soon as I publish them. I hope to see you soon. Enjoy!